Sunday, 2 April 2017

Paritta Chanting by Venerable Maha Thera Ariyadhamma

While compiling the evening chanting, I noted I have the Paritta (Paritta) Chanting.

Thus decided to compile and upload the Paritta Chanting as well.

Sadhu and many thanks to Venerable Samanera Dhammasiri (while I have lost contact with Venerable) which has given me all this chanting and make possible for the compilation and sharing.

May this compilation merits share with all;
May this merits help to bring peace, protection against all mental or physical harm and suffering; and
May this merits help us to attain Nibbana.

Evening Chanting by Venerable Maha Thera Ariyadhamma

A user name Hamster requested for the Evening Chanting after seeing the morning chanting in late March 2017. Because of this request, I have located the chanting and compiled and uploaded.
Sadhu for the requester.

With Metta.